Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Race to the Altar

In the past couple of days, I've noticed that I've been having the same conversation with my friends about how they want to be married by the time that they are thirty years old. For some reason, thirty seems to be the magic number when it comes to marriage for many women. Many women don't want to give up the independence, freedom and self-discovery that you get to experience when you're in your twenties so they put off getting married until later. But many women are more than willing to give up all of their new found independence so that they can get married by thirty.

Why are so many women putting on their Nikes and making the race to the alter? But better yet, why do women feel that if they are not married by thirty they'll be alone and why do women have such a fear of being alone? What do you think? Have you ever felt pressure from family and friends to be married by a certain age?

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