Wednesday, February 17, 2010

The Feet of All Jokes

Dear Guru,

I've been dating this great guy since the beginning of the winter. He's really sweet and we get along well. The only problem is that he has this weird foot fetish (like this really weird foot fetish thing), but I have ugly feet! Since it's winter time I've been able to hide them by wearing socks and saying that my feet are always cold but spring is just around the corner. I'm so scared that once he sees my feet he'll run the other way. Help, what should I do?!?


Funny Feet

Dear Funny Feet,

I too know what it feels like to have ugly feet. I used to have pretty toes, but after years of abuse, I now have donkey hooves for feet. But with that said, whether you have ugly feet or not if the guy you've been seeing really likes you it shouldn't matter. No one's perfect and if someone really likes you, they'll like you for the person that you are and not the feet that you have. Also, you should take this situation and see it as an opportunity to improve your self confidence. Everyone has something that they wish they could change. In addition to having donkey hooves as feet, I also have the body of a twelve-year old boy. I'm super scrawny and have no curves at all, but I've gotten over it. Focus on your best qualities, fix what you can and learn how not to dwell on what you can't. In the meantime, here's a movie on how to make your toes pretty. Happy dating!

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