Dear Guru,
I was sitting in my apartment living room totally making out with this boy when all of a sudden he pulls away from and says that I’m a bad kisser and that maybe we should just watch T.V. WTF!! I have never in my life had anyone tell me that I was a bad kisser…but then again I’ve never had anyone tell me that I was a good kisser. What gives? What should I do?Sincerely,Kissing and Confused
Dear Kissing,
Oh shnap!! That must of hurt pretty bad. It’s always hard to hear that your skills aren’t quite as good as you think you they are. But if I were you, I would see this as an opportunity to improve. Check out this How Cast video about kissing. I’m sure that after watching it you’ll be kissing like a champ! Happy dating!Got a dating question? Email the Guru at
Bad kissing is definitely a deal breaker. Don't despair, practice makes perfect!