So I’ve been dating this guy, but I think I’ve completely obliterated any chances that I might have had with him. I was on Facebook one day casually perusing pictures of him, when I cam across pictures of him and his ex-girlfriend. I had only heard him talk about her, but I wanted to see what she looks like and…well…let’s just say that I accidently tagged myself in pictures of him and his ex-girlfriend. And he knows about it. I. Need. Help. NOW!!!!!
Yours truly,
Facebook Foul up
Dear Facebook,
A little part of me died from embarrassment when I read this, so I can’t even imagine how you’re feeling. No matter how great Facebook can be, never forget that when it comes to dating (and especially in the early stages of dating) Facebook if your frenemy! Let me say that again: Facebook is your frenemy!! Now, don’t get me wrong. Facebook is my favorite and I’m always on it, but I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had other women tell me how Facebook has derailed an otherwise really good relationship.
Using Facebook to send funny youtube movies, share jokes or to just check in is perfectly fine, but using Facebook to do recon work is never the best of ideas. What you should do is…come clean. There’s really no other way around this; you were obviously looking at his pictures. Or you could tell him that you got in a fight with one of your friends and to get back at you she hacked into your Facebook account and tagged you in those pictures. Whichever works best for you. I hope, though, that in the future if you want to know something about the person that you’re dating you’ll just ask them. Sure it’s old fashion, but it tends to prevent such situations as your Facebook kerfuffle from happening. However, if this tactic is a little too dated for you, watch the video below and learn how the pros do it.
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Yeah Facebook can be a friend and a foe when it comes to relationships. My advice? Keep your relationship related info on Facebook to a minimum. It's easier for everyone when you don't have to change your relationship status every time you take a break. Besides, do you really want your whole social network up in your business like that? There are enough people who are way too overexposed on Facebook to begin with, don't add your self to the list.