Monday, February 22, 2010

Tiger Tiger Burning Bright, Having Affairs Always Causes Fights!

As if we need another person weighing in on the whole Tiger Woods debacle, but there's some thing else that I'd like to talk about: the fact that some of his mistresses want him to apologize to them. Banks can't trick people any more about their credit cards and mistresses want apologies from the people they cheat with? What the cuss?!? I think I have officially heard everything.

In all fairness, I can understand that these women feel hurt. Some of the members of Tiger's harem of them fell in love with Tiger and feel that he deceived them. Some of them want an apology because they feel that they don't deserve all the jokes, name calling and things like this being said about them. However, no one told them to get involved with a married man and to then go and share this information with the media. And because of all of this, some of Tiger's mistresses have gotten book deals, interviews and even jobs with Extra! So ladies, don't ask Tiger to apologize because if he did and you accepted it, it might make the situation even more awkward if you continued to benefit from your affair. The only person in this situation who really and truly deserves an apology is Elin Woods. Now that I've finished my rant, happy dating (and even happier dating if it's not with a married man)!

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